Store Policy

Privacy & Safety
We will not sell, trade, or supply your information to anyone. K Jelani Candle Co collects personal information when you shop or register with us. This information will be used to inform you of new product launches, sales, or any relevant updates. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. When you place an order through the store, we ask for your name, email address, phone number, billing address, shipping address, and credit card number. K Jelani Candle Co uses your information to fulfill the orders and to contact you about specials, new products and restock information. We do not monitor or record your shopping habits or use of the website. Information sent to K Jelani Candle Co will be considered confidential and will become the property of K Jelani Candle Co.

Payment Methods
Currently, we accept all major credit cards! We do not accept payment after shipment, mailed checks or cash.